Mortal Kombat 9 Review

This game is epic, hands down the best Mortal Kombat game to date. The graphics are amazing and fit very well with the 2D fighting style. The developers did an amazing job making the game play fun and smooth, all the while being exceptionally gory. Everything from saws to the chest, x ray vision of bones breaking, arrows stuck through your leg… and this isn’t even the fatalities. The fatalities literally will leave you either laughing about how crazy that finishing kill was or wondering how this game was allowed to be sold to the general public. Another great aspect to Mortal Kombat was the single player campaign, which was quite lengthy for a fighting game. It actually followed a storyline and had great cut scenes between most fights. The one downside is that if you rent this game you need to pay for a code to play online.

What did we learn?
Graphics- 8/10 Nicely done for a fighting game

Gameplay- 9/10 A lot of OMG this game is epic moments

Audio- 8/10 As far as the sounds of agony and pain go, they were spot on

Replay value- 7/10 A fun game to pick up and play with friends after you already beat it

Rent or Buy- Buy if you are a fan of Mortal Kombat and fighting games

Dungeon Siege 3 Review

I recently had the displeasure of renting dungeon siege 3 for the 360 from GameFly and wasting a good 5 hours trying to figure out when this game was going to start being fun. It never happened. Dungeon siege 3 has a great concept for a dungeon crawler like diablo for a console but it failed to make the game enjoyable.

The most frustrating thing is that if you want to play multiplayer only the first players character actually saves. Wtf is up with that who would want to keep playing 2nd player if you have to start over every time? Also, the camera view is annoying because its from almost a complete aerial view so you can’t see what’s coming in front of your characters. The flame chick is kinda fun for the first 5 minutes of switching between her human form and ethereal flame form but the lack of moves does get uninteresting. The knight seemed very typical of a tank class who also has a two handed sword for dos. Don’t even get me started on the fat mage, I mean really? Who wants to play as a fat old dumbledore? And I already had the game in the mailbox before I thought about playin the gun slinging girl.

For a dungeon crawler I would recommend Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 or Torchlight dl through xbox live arcade instead of buying this game.

So this game rated 

Graphics- 4/10 Honestly they just switched from the PC platform to console and didn’t make to many polishes on the graphics.

Gameplay- 5/10 Muy abburido (currently in a Spanish class)

Audio- 6/10 The sound was average for a dungeon crawler game

Replay value- 6/10 If you are willing to stick to this game then there are 3 other characters to start over as

Rent or Buy? I wouldn’t even rent the game at this point